Ravenwood Park is a vibrant community of 256 homes nested in a beautiful, verdant setting in Falls Church, Virginia. Since its establishment in the late 1950s, Ravenwood Park has been an active community whose residents care and are involved in their neighborhood. Block parties and social events, programs that provide important information, organized and impromptu efforts to support and help each other, Neighborhood Watch, charitable activities, and shared commitment to keep the neighborhood and area beautiful are all hallmarks of a place that is a great one in which to live.

If you live here, we're so glad you do! If you are visiting, welcome and please come again! If you are thinking about coming here, please do and contact us to find out more! We are also on FaceBook

Great things are happening in Ravenwood Park! And we'll be all the greater if you are a part of it!

- Barbara Wolf, President, Ravenwood Park Citizens Association



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The meeting of the Ravenwood Park Citizen Association convened at 7pm on January 27, 2014.  Present were approximately 29 residents of Ravenwood Park and RPCA Board Members:
John Iekel, President
Jessica Swanson, Vice President
Mark Doehnert, Treasurer
Idie Badie, Secretary
Marty Machowsky, At-Large Board Member

John began the meeting with an expression of gratitude to all those RPCA citizens that have so graciously shared their time and energy by volunteering for the neighborhood.   Especially noted was the effort during this past winter to help those with snow removal.

John then summarized what would be discussed at this meeting, to include:

  • ·        Upgrades planned for the streetlights, what has been done and what will be done in the near future.
  • ·        RPCA Publications due out
  • ·        Presentation from Dominion Electric
  • ·        Presentation from Fairfax County, Emergency Preparedness

John informed the group that the newsletter and Phone Directory were in process and would be completed soon.  He asked that anyone who had any pictures, articles or news items for the newsletter, there was still time to include.  Also offered that volunteers were always welcome to join in the development of the newsletter.

John mentioned that there would be more and varied opportunities for volunteering later and into the Spring.  

John then updated the group on the Peace Valley Lane property, mentioning that residents who lived in close proximity to PVL received a letter with an update on the project (a copy was on hand for those interested).  He said that litigation was pending about access, whether through Route 7 or Ravenwood Park.  He said that the name of the new development is “Reserve at Oakwood” assuming the name comes from the old oak trees on the property.  He informed the group that Vinewood has challenged the site plan.

John then spoke about the Residential Studio Units (RSU’s) and the latest version of the proposal stating that RSUs be removed from existing properties zoned R3 – R8.  He mentioned that Ravenwood Park is not at risk and no further discussion was pursued.

John spoke about Bailey’s Elementary School’s December 5th approved acquisition of the office building located across from Seven Corners Shopping Center.  One major concern is the impact this will have on traffic in our area. Sandy Evans has stated that a review is on-going of the routes and schedules with recommendation expected this Spring.  It was suggested that if anyone has any specific concerns to contact Sandy Evans now.  John mentioned that he would send a letter (email) to Sandy, confirming our concern over how this might impact traffic in Ravenwood Park.

John then brought up the subject of streetlighting upgrades.  There are 14 more slots for which we can apply to the County.  (Some lights have already been upgraded, but many more are needed).  John has done a drive-by in the evening hours to access the most important streets and will submit our request very soon, after notifying the RPCA citizens of the board’s recommendations.

John said that more is to come on proposals on zoning, the RPCA committees, and ideas to generate support and great ways to get involved.

The next meeting of the RPCA is scheduled for March 10, 2014, location:  Jeb Stuart, Little Theatre. 

John noted that based on the results of the recent poll, the Board will focus on meetings, activities and events centered on:

  • ·     Property Values
  • ·      Crime
  • ·      Beautification
  • ·      Speed Issues, especially on Patrick Henry Drive (PHD)
  • ·      Parking concerns at the top of PHD

John then began introductions of the guests from Dominion Power and Fairfax County, who were invited to address RPCA concerns over power outages and what we can do to be prepared should a major outage, or any emergency situation, occur in our area.

Dominion Electric Representatives included:

  • ·      Rob McIntyre, Electric Distribution Reliability
  • ·      Tony Savage, Electric Distribution Reliability
  • ·      David Ojumu, Electric Distribution Reliability
  • ·      Travis Cutler, State and Local Affairs
  • ·      Adam Lipera, Forestry

Fairfax County Representative included:

  • ·      Whitney Kazragis, Community Outreach
  • ·      Dave McKernani, Emergency Coordinator
  • ·      Dean Fortney, External Affairs Representative

Dominion Electric brought with them a comprehensive slide presentation.  The presenter explained that first and foremost, public safety is their priority.  He then detailed 2013 activity, explaining that compared to the previous year, very little in the way of outages occurred (3 outages, less than 3 hours each and 2 momentary outages) 

He then gave an overview of how the system works in the case of super storms, such as we experienced in 2012 with Derecho and Super Storm Sandy.  He explained that we received help from all over the country and Canada.  He said that in an outage and from a priority standpoint, the first to receive help would be in the interest of public safety issues (ex.: traffic signals, etc.), then Critical Service Hospitals, Convalescence Homes, 911 Centers and water distribution stations.  

He stressed that Dominion Electric provides round the clock services, with 2 full time meteorologists and use their weather projections for staffing purposes. 

He then spoke about Dominion’s Restoration Strategy, explaining that Virginia is the 2nd largest importer of electric, due to demand, mentioning that demand has shot up over the years.  He said that Dominion provides continuous restoration, sustainable reliability and have ongoing investments to improve services.

Some recent activity that he mentioned was:

  • ·      In May they have rebuilt a substation that is connected with our services
  • ·      Reliability project to remove mainline tree exposure
  • ·      Protections for their System
  • ·      Electronic Circuit ties
  • ·      Work is being done on proposed reliability improvement project slated for 2014

He then provided the contact number for citizens to call should there be any issue with their electric service:
            Dominion is also on facebook and twitter

He then opened it up for questions.

  1. John Iekel asked if we were at the end of the line for repairs. Dom:  We now have a tie in for faster repairs.
  2. A question was asked about the viability of underground cabling. Dom: It would cost about 85 billion dollars, so no immediate plans for this.

Fairfax County representatives then took the floor, beginning by explaining the partnership and planning activities that they have with Dominion Electric.  They distributed pamphlets to the audience:  1)  Ready & Resilient – Survive/Recover/Revive (Medical Needs Registry) and 2) Ready & Resilient – Survive/Recover/Revive (Family Preparedness)

Special focus was presented on the importance of all citizens to take personal responsibility for being prepared in the case of an emergency.  They described how and what to do to develop a plan of action, that includes:

Developing a Plan

  • ü   Create and review the plan as a family
  • ü   Assemble an emergency Kit
  • ü   Staying informed
  • ü   Identifying special needs and considerations
  • ü   Planning to care for your pets and service animals
  • ü   Making the decision – Should I stay or should I go?
Ø  Creating a Shelter-in-Place plan
Ø  Creating an evacuation plan

More details and specific information can be obtained by visiting their website at:

Whitney went on to explains what the role of the Emergency Operations Center is, that included:  Public information, Communications, Logistics, Emergency Shelters, Mutual Aid Agreements, Access & Functional Needs Coordination and Support with field command and Coordination between State and Federal agencies.

Whitney then provided more information on local hazards (trains, planes, autos, hazardous material, fires, floods, etc.) and what exactly a family should do to be prepared for these types of emergencies.  She briefly outlined the following as a way to be prepared and mentioned that more information is available on line.

  • §   Making a kit (already made kits are available on line)
  • §   Making a plan
  • §   Making a shelter (safe place within the home)

She suggested that not only should citizens be prepared for an emergency in their home, but also at work and in their car.  And, again, for more detailed information visit their website as mentioned above.

Dean Fortney (County of Fairfax) then made a presentation on the specifics of having a generator.  He gave specific details on requirements, permits and code regulations for purchasing, installing and operating a generator.

The meeting was concluded at 9:00 pm. 

Submitted this date, 30 January, 2014 by:

Idie Badie, Secretary

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